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Author Guidelines

I. General Information
    The international journal of Slavic studies Slověne = Словѣне invites Authors who work in various fields of Slavic philology and related disciplines to submit their materials. The Editorial Team accepts for consideration scholarly papers, notes, texts prepared for publication, information about current scholarly events, dictionary materials, reviews, and reports; discussion materials are also welcome. In general, the list of acceptable topics and scholarly approaches is flexible and is determined only by the significance of the material submitted.     The journal accepts papers in all the Slavic languages, as well as in the major European languages, i.e., English, German, French, and Italian.     The journal comes out in two issues per year. All materials are available online at

    The journal has agreed to the Budapest Open Access Initiative and therefore provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.

II. Procedures concerning the Reviewing of Submitted Manuscripts

    The editorial portfolio is filled throughout the year. There are no deadline restrictions. Please send your electronic manuscripts using the e-mail of the Editorial Team at:

    Please note: the option of submitting papers provided by the Open Journal Systems, which is accessible after signing up on the journal’s website, is temporary blocked. You can contact us via the above e-mail.

    All submitted manuscripts are first considered by the Editorial Team to determine the suitability of their topics for the journal. After this they undergo double-blind review (i.e., the identity of the Author is concealed from the Reviewer, and vice versa). In the case of disagreement among the Reviewers or disagreement with their decision on the part of the Author (expressed in appropriately professional language), the Editorial Team will conduct an additional review and will take into account opinions of all members of the Editorial Board. 

    After a favorable decision about submission is made, the Editors of the journal try to work in close contact with their Authors. The publication is free of charge. The Authors are not paid for the publication of their article. All expenses related to the publication are covered by the journal. However, the Editorial Team urges Authors to follow formatting instructions as well as standards of the language in which the paper is written. If the paper is written in a non-native language, the Authors are advised to consult a qualified native-speaking editor in order to avoid possible misunderstanding. For instance, materials written in Russian must follow current spelling and punctuation guidelines set out in the most comprehensive way in:

Лопатин В. В., ред., Валгина Н. С. и др., Правила русской орфографии и пунктуации: полный академический справочник, Москва, 2011.
The recommended orthographic dictionary for Russian is:
Лопатин В. В., ред., Русский орфографический словарь Российской академии наук. Электронная версия, “ГРАМОТА.РУ”, 2001–2007:
    Papers submitted in English should comply with
The Chicago Manual of Style, 16th ed., Chicago and London, 2010, (apart from the layout of the bibliography and some minor technical details).

III. Formatting Guidelines

1. Technical Requirements
    Manuscripts are accepted only in electronic form, in formats supported by the text editors MS Word and OpenOffice Writer. A PDF file should also be submitted if the text contains complicated components and special fonts. In this case the fonts must also be sent. We recommend using Unicode fonts, for example for typing Old Church Slavonic texts and quotations (e.g., Old Standard TT, Kliment Std, RomanCyrillic Std, Method Std, BukyVede).
    All margins must be 2.5 cm, font size 12, line spacing 1.5. For footnotes: font size 10, line spacing 1.5.
    The maximum size of the paper is 80,000 characters including spaces. Exceeding this size is allowed only after consulting with the Editorial Team.

2. Structure of the Manuscript
    Papers, notes, and publications must be accompanied by abstracts and keywords in the main language of the paper, as well as in Russian and in English. The title must also be in Russian and in English. Authors’ names must be given in the language of the paper and in Russian transliteration. If the original spelling of the name is Cyrillic, it must be accompanied by spelling in the corresponding Latin characters (in the most appropriate transliteration). The affiliation of the Author (university, institute, etc.) should be indicated after the title in the main language of the paper as well as in English. At the end of the paper the following information should be given: Author’s full name, his/her academic degree, office postal address (in the language of the country where he/she is employed), and the Author’s e-mail address.

Requirements for Abstracts

    • The journal Slověne = Словѣне accepts manuscripts that include abstracts in Russian and English, as well as in the main language of the paper (if it is not Russian or English).
    • The abstract should contain a description of main aims and objectives of the research.
    • The abstract should give a general description (without going into specifics) of the research.
    • It should contain a statement about the main results and their significance.
    • It should not contain references, specific abbreviations, or, if possible, non-standard fonts.
    • The abstract should not repeat information contained in the title.
    • The terminology used in the abstract should accord with that used in the main text of the paper.
    • The abstract must comply with standard rules of language and must not contain stylistic, grammatical, spelling, or punctuation errors.
    • The abstract must be 180‒250 words.

    In writing the abstract, the Editorial Team recommends consulting the guidelines How to... write an abstract supplied by the Emerald Group Publishing.

3. Layout of References
    References must be given within the text in square brackets. If the reference indicates a previously-indicated source, it is reduced to [там же] (for works in Cyrillic script regardless of the language of the article) or to [ibid.] (for works in Latin script, also regardless of the language of the article). An alphabetic list of reference indices with corresponding bibliographic descriptions must be given after the main text.
    All bibliographic descriptions must be given in their original spelling without transliteration(the transliteration of author-date references is left to the discretion of the Author). The transliteration of the bibliography (which will be put on the website of the journal and sent to international bibliographic databases) will be made by the Editors themselves.

Examples of Reference Indices and Bibliographic Descriptions

    Monographs The index is typed in small capitals and is made up of the surname of the author or the editor and the year of publication (and, if necessary to distinguish works from the same year by the same author, a letter). If there are more than two authors, the index must contain only the surname of the first author, adding “и др.” (if the index is in Cyrillic, regardless of the language of the article) or “et al.” (in the case of Latin script, also regardless of the language of the article).
— in the text: [Hannick 2006: 221; Lunt 2001; Schaeken, Birnbaum 1999; Конески 1981; Штављанин-Ђорђевић и др.  1986]
— in the bibliography:

Hannick 2006
Hannick Ch., Das altslavische Hirmologion. Edition und Kommentar (= Monumenta linguae slavicae dialecti veteris, 50), Freiburg i. Br., 2006.
Lunt 2001
Lunt H. G., Old Church Slavonic Grammar, 7th rev. ed., Berlin, New York, 2001.
Schaeken, Birnbaum 1999
Schaeken J., Birnbaum H., Altkirchenslavische Studien, 2: Die altkirchenslavische Schriftkultur. Geschichte — Laute und Schriftzeichen — Sprachdenkmäler (mit Textproben, Glossar und Flexionmustern) (= Slavistische Beiträge, 382), München, 1999.
Конески 1981
Конески Б., Историjа на македонскиот jазик (= Он же, Избрани дела во седум книги, 2 доп. изд., кн. 7), Скопjе, 1981.
Штављанин-Ђорђевић и др. 1986
Штављанин-Ђорђевић Љ., Гроздановић-Паjић М., Цернић Л., Опис ћирилских рукописа народне библиотеке Србиjе, 1 (= Народна Библиотека Србиjе. Опис jужнословенских рукописа, 2), Београд, 1986.

    Dictionaries, handbooks, catalogues, etc. (the author-date reference can be designed by the Author; however, common conventions should be followed):
— in the text: [СлРЯ XI–XVII вв., 28: 39; Фасмер, Трубачёв, 1: 122; Plank, Lutzka, 3: 186; SJS, 2: 120; Каталог 2009: 53]
— in the bibliography:

СлРЯ XI–XVII вв. 1–29—
Словарь русского языка XI–XVII вв., 1–29—, Москва, 1975–2011—.
Фасмер, Трубачёв 1–4
Фасмер М., Этимологический словарь русского языка, 3-е русск. изд., перев. с нем. и доп. О. Н. Трубачева, 1–4, С.-Петербург, 1996.
Plank, Lutzka 1–3
Hannick Ch., Hrsg., Das byzantinische Eigengut der neuzeitlichen slavischen Menäen und seine griechischen Originale, 1–3, erarb. von P. Plank, C. Lutzka (= Abhandlungen der Nordrheinwestfalischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 112; Patristica Slavica, 12), Paderborn, 2006.
SJS 1–4
Slovník jazyka staroslověnského, 1–4, Praha, 1966–1997 (репринт: С.-Петербург, 2006).
Каталог 2009
Христова Б., Загребин В., Енин Г., Шварц Е., съст., Славянские рукописи болгарского происхождения в Российской национальной библиотеке — Санкт-Петербург / Славянски ръкописи от български произход в руската национална библиотека — Санкт-Петербург, София, 2009.

    Papers in journals (the author-date reference is the same as for monographs):
— in the text: [Турилов 2006: 25; Urbańczyk 1986]
— in the bibliography:

Турилов 2006
Турилов А. А. “К уточнению объёма и состава древнейшего славянского оригинального гимнографического корпуса в древнерусской рукописной традиции (На материале минейных служб)”, Старобългарска литература, 35–36, 2006, 22–37.
Urbańczyk 1986
Urbańczyk S., “Max Vasmers Korrespondenz mit Krakauer Slavisten”, Zeitschrift für slavische Philologie, 46 (= H. Bräuer, P. Brang, Hrsg., Max Vasmer: zur 100. Wiederkehr seines Geburtstages am 28. Februar 1986), 1986, 384–398.

    Papers in collections of papers (the index is the same as above; slight differences are shown in the examples below):
— in the text: [Успенский 1973/1997; Thomson 1988]
— in the bibliography:

Успенский 1973/1997
Успенский Б. А., “Древнерусские кондакари как фонетический источник”, в: Он же, Избранные труды, 3: Общее и славянское языкознание, Москва, 1997, 209–245.
Thomson 1988
Thomson F., “Towards a Typology of Errors in Slavonic Translations,” in: E. Farrugia, R. Taft, G. Piovesana, eds., Christianity among the Slavs: The Heritage of St. Cyril and Methodius, Acts of the International Congress Held on the Eleventh Century of the Death of St. Methodius, Rome, October 8–11, 1985 (= Orientalia Christiana Analecta, 231), Roma, 1988, 351–380.

4. References to Manuscript Sources
    Manuscript sources in the main text of the paper should be italicized using either the common name of the manuscript (if any); the abbreviated collection name within the relevant library/archive; or the abbreviated indication of the edition (the editor’s name with the year of publication or, in the case of multi-volume editions, the abbreviation with the volume number). If there are many references to libraries, archives, or depositories in the text, the Editors recommend that a list of manuscripts (including abbreviated names) be placed before the list of references. In the list of the quoted manuscript sources, published and unpublished manuscripts should be listed separately. Authors should supply bibliographic descriptions with references to catalogues and studies in which these manuscripts are mentioned. In references to published manuscripts, it is advisable to cite folios rather than pages of the edition (these may be indicated additionally).

Examples of Indices and Bibliographic Descriptions

— in the text: Ilʹina Kniga, fol. 20v; Typ.Typ. 1, fol. 12v; Syn210, fol. 159a; Bars619, fol. 241a; Mtr, fol. 184r–186; MR 6, 319;

— list of libraries and archives:
Abbreviated Names of Libraries, Archives, and Depositories
Gosudarstvennyi istoricheskii muzei—State Historical Museum, Moscow
Gosudarstvennaia Tretʹiakovskaia galereia—State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow
Rossiiskii gosudarstvennyi arkhiv drevnikh aktov—Russian State Archive of Ancient Acts, Moscow
Biblioteca Nacional d’España, Madrid

— in the bibliography:

GIM, Collection of E. V. Barsov, No. 619, Palaea of the early 15th century; the typology according to [Мильков, Полянский 2002: 610].
    Ilʹina Kniga
RGADA, fond 381 (Typographical), No. 131, Festal Menaion for the September half of year with supplements, Old Russian (Novgorodian) recension, the 11th–12th centuries; according to the edition [Крысько 2005; Верещагин 2006].
GIM, Synodal collection, No. 210, Palaea, Pskov, 1477; according to the edition: “Толковая палея 1477 г., Воспроизведеніе Синодальной рукописи № 210, вып. I”, в: Изд. Общества любителей древней письменности, 93, С.-Петербургъ, 1892.
Typ.Typ. 1–3
Typography Typikon, the liturgical book of the 11th–12th centuries, GTG, K-5349, Old Russian (Novgorodian) recension; according to the edition: Успенский Б. А., ред., Типографский Устав: Устав с кондакарем конца XI — начала XII века, 1–3, Москва, 2006.

BNE,, Service Menaion for June and August, 12th–13th centuries; see [Andrès 1987: 256].
    MR 1–6
Μηναῖα τοῦ ὅλου ἐνιαυτοῦ, 1–6, ἐν Ῥώμῃ, 1888–1901.

    Верещагин 2006
Верещагин Е. М., Ильина книга. Древнейший славянский богослужебный сборник. Факсимильное воспроизведение рукописи, билинеарно-спатическое издание источника с филолого-богословским комментарием, Москва, 2006.
    Крысько 2005
Крысько В. Б., изд., подг. греч. текста, коммент., словоуказатели, Ильина книга. Рукопись РГАДА, Тип. 131, Москва, 2005.
    Мильков, Полянский 2002
Мильков В. В., Полянский С., “Палея Толковая: редакция, состав, религиозно-философское и энциклопедическое значение памятника”, в: А. М. Камчатнов, подготовка др. рус. текста и перевода на совр. рус. язык, В. В. Мильков и др., коммент., Палея Толковая, Москва, 2002, 604–631.
    Andrès 1987
Andrès G. de, Catálogo de los códices griegos de la Biblioteca Nacional, Madrid, 1987.

    See also, if necessary:
    Templates in the DOC format (for papers in Russian, in English, and in other languages);
    Full Style Sheet of the International Journal Slověne = Словѣне: Guidelines for the Technical Copy Editors (available only in Russian).


Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  1. The submission has not been previously published, nor is it under consideration for publication by another journal (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  2. The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format. If there are special fonts, the Author should submit the text in PDF format and also include a separate file with the fonts themselves.
  3. Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  4. The text is 1.5-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics or tracking, rather than underlining; and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  5. The text adheres to the technical, stylistic, and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found in the section About the Journal.
  6. If submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, the instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review have been followed.

Copyright Notice

For Authors
When sending materials for consideration by the journal Slověne = Словѣне, the Authors agree that acceptance of these materials for publication ensures their redistribution in accordance with the license Creative Commons | Attribution-NoDerivatives (this allows for redistribution, commercial and non-commercial, as long as it is passed along unchanged and in its entirety, with attribution). At the same time, copyright remains in full with the Authors.

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All users of the materials published online in the journal Slověne = Словѣне have the right to their free redistribution, commercial and non-commercial, as long as it is passed along unchanged and in its entirety, with attribution, in accordance with the license Creative Commons | Attribution-NoDerivatives.


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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.