- » Focus and Scope
- » Section Policies
- » Peer Review Process
- » Publication Frequency
- » Open Access Policy
- » Archiving
- » Publication Ethics and Publication Malpractice Statement
- » Our Languages
Focus and Scope
The Journal Slověne = Словѣне is a periodical focusing on the fields of the arts and humanities. In accordance with the standards of humanities periodicals aimed at the development of national philological traditions in a broad cultural and academic context, the Journal Slověne = Словѣне is multilingual but with a focus on papers in English.
The Journal Slověne = Словѣне is intended for the exchange of information between Russian scholars and leading universities and research centers throughout the world and for their further professional integration into the international academic community through a shared focus on Slavic studies. The target audience of the journal is Slavic philologists and scholars in related disciplines (historians, cultural anthropologists, sociologists, specialists in comparative and religious studies, etc.) and related fields (Byzantinists, Germanists, Hebraists, Turkologists, Finno-Ugrists, etc.).
The periodical has a pronounced interdisciplinary character and publishes papers from the widest linguistic, philological, and historico-cultural range: there are studies of linguistic typology, pragmalinguistics, computer and applied linguistics, etymology, onomastics, epigraphy, ethnolinguistics, dialectology, folkloristics, Biblical studies, history of science, palaeoslavistics, history of Slavic literatures, Slavs in the context of foreign languages, non-Slavic languages and dialects in the Slavic context, and historical linguistics.Section Policies
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For the Anniversary of Anatoly Arkadyevich Turilov
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Peer Review Process
Expert evaluation of the submitted papers goes through four main stages:
1. Preliminary Consideration of the submitted papers is carried out by the Managing Editors. At this stage, a decision to reject the submission is taken collectively by the Managing Editors together with the Editor-in-Chief; a rejection might occur in the case of submissions that do not fit the core subjects of the journal as well as in the case of submissions of low-quality scholarship. In such cases, a refusal would seem to be obvious and would not require in-depth examination.
2. Expert Evaluation is made on the principle of double-blind peer review, when the identity of the Author is concealed from the Reviewer, and vice versa. Leading experts are invited as Reviewers regardless of their membership in the Editorial Board or their country of residence. The reviews can be written in free form in any language convenient to the Reviewers. In the case of fundamental discord between the Reviewers and Editors, or if the Author disagrees (in appropriately professional language) with their views, the Editorial Team conducts additional review and takes into account opinions of all members of the Editorial Board.
3. The next step is the Author’s Completion of the submission based on the comments and suggestions made by the reviewers or, depending on the result of the review process, the Final Rejection of the submission. If the submission is completed, the Managing Editors see to it that all comments from Reviewers are taken into account. In the case of special need, revised papers are sent to the Reviewers for additional consideration.
4. Notifying the Editorial Board Members of the current issue data is done via e-mail. This communication contains links to all the materials that have gone through reviewing and editing and are available for download by the Editorial Board members. They are invited to inspect them within two weeks, during which each member of the Editorial Board has the right to express an opinion on the works accepted for publication. At this stage, the paper can also be rejected by collective decision: the Editorial Board members are informed about the negative opinions of their colleagues (if any), and then, if other members do not express their disagreement, the paper is returned to the Author for revision or is absolutely rejected.
Publication Frequency
After the Reviewers’ recommendations, technical and language copyediting, and proofreading, the materials of this journal are published in two separate issues per year, in August and December. These issues make up the annual volume of the journal.
At the same time, while online publication in PDF format goes on, hard copies are also printed and distributed free of charge. Sixteen copies are sent to the Russian Book Chamber in accordance with the Federal Law of December 29, 1994 No. 77-FZ “On Obligatory Copy of Documents.”
Unfortunately, at the present time the Editorial Team of the journal is not able to circulate hard copies to our Authors or to the Editorial Board members, nor can they distribute copies through subscription.Open Access Policy
The journal Slověne = Словѣне has agreed to the Budapest Open Access Initiative and therefore provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.
This journal utilizes the LOCKSS system to create a distributed archiving system among participating libraries and permits those libraries to create permanent archives of the journal for purposes of preservation and restoration. More...
Furthermore, the digital archive of the journal Slověne = Словѣне (the publisher’s version of papers in PDF format) is immediately available in the following national repositories:
• Scholarly Electronic Library in the bibliographic database Russian Science Citation Index—for registered users only (registration in this system and access to our journal data are absolutely free);
• CyberLeninka—absolutely free for all readers without registration.
Publication Ethics and Publication Malpractice Statement
The International Journal Slověne = Словѣне is an academic periodical with no political, ideological, confessional, or other agendas; therefore the Journal’s activities are solely for the sake of scholarship. All participants in the editorial and publishing process (Authors, Reviewers, Editors, and Editorial Board Members) should keep this in mind and follow the ethical standards outlined below, which are based on the recommendations of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).
1. Authorship Issues
When submitting a paper to publish in Slověne = Словѣне, the Author thereby confirms his or her authorship. In the case of a collaborative work, one of the Authors may submit material for publication provided that all coauthors are listed with all necessary and correct information about them.
If there are agencies or other entities that contributed to the content or provided funding or support for the work submitted, the Author should clearly identify them. If necessary, the Author should express gratitude to colleagues who have made a contribution to the submitted work.
The Authors must present in full all sources of information consulted in the work, including lists of sources (both published and unpublished), research literature (including the Authors’ own previously published works), and informants (when publishing the results of field studies). The Authors should ensure that if they have used the work and/or words of others, this has been appropriately cited or quoted. Any form of plagiarism is unacceptable. Self-plagiarism, i.e., the attempt to republish one’s own previously published work without significant changes to it, is similarly unacceptable. Concurrent submission of the same work to Slověne = Словѣне and to any other publication is prohibited.
In the case of violation of any of the rules listed above, the Editorial Team is entitled to refuse to publish the materials at any time, including during preliminary consideration, without involving reviewers, and also not to proceed with the publication of any work from the Author for a period of three years.
Any changes added by the Author to a text that has been peer-reviewed and accepted for publication can be made only in coordination with the Editorial Team. An Author can withdraw an accepted work only before the materials have been sent out for editing. If the Author absolutely wishes to withdraw the material from publication after the editorial work has been done, the Editorial Team is entitled to refuse to consider publication of any work submitted by this Author for a period of three years.
It is unacceptable for an Author to place into the public domain any materials that have been accepted for publication and sent for editing but which have not yet been published. If this rule is violated, the Editorial Team is entitled to withdraw these materials and to refuse to consider publication of any work by the Author for a period of three years.
2. Copyright and Open Access
The journal Slověne = Словѣне has agreed to the Budapest Open Access Initiative and therefore provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge. At the same time, the Authors are not charged any fees for publication in Slověne = Словѣне.
When sending materials for consideration by the journal Slověne = Словѣне, the Authors agree that the acceptance of these materials for publication ensures their redistribution in accordance with the license Creative Commons | Attribution-NoDerivatives (this allows for redistribution, commercial and non-commercial, as long as it is passed along unchanged and in its entirety, with attribution). At the same time, copyright remains in full with the Authors.
3. Accuracy of Information
The Authors of the papers submitted to the journal Slověne = Словѣне are responsible for detailed verification of all the information contained in their work in order to avoid inaccurate references to sources or the omission of necessary references. If, in the process of editing the materials accepted for publication, the Author discovers mistakes or inaccuracies, he or she must notify the Editor as soon as possible and either withdraw the publication (in the case of significant errors requiring a complete revision of the text) or correct it.
The Author must avoid personal attacks, disparaging remarks, and accusations against other scholars. Defamation is not allowed in the journal Slověne = Словѣне.
The Authors are responsible for the accuracy of all data published in the journal Slověne = Словѣне. If a violation of the above rules is discovered after publication, the Editorial Team is entitled to publish a refutation in the next issue and also not to proceed with any work from the defaulting Author for a period of three years.
4. Review Process
All submitted papers are evaluated on the principle of double-blind peer review, which means that all materials are sent to the Reviewers in anonymized form (the files contain no information about the Authors and information is also deleted from the metadata of the submitted files).
None of the members of the Editorial Team or any other participants in the publication process is allowed to disclose the Authors’ names to Reviewers before the final decision regarding the publication of the submitted papers.
If a Reviewer recognizes the Author of the article being reviewed and discovers a conflict of interest, he is to inform the Editor of this and recuse himself. Contacts between the Reviewer and the Author maintained outside of the Editorial Team's responsibilities are not sufficient grounds for disqualification of the Reviewer.
The Reviewer’s name can be disclosed to the Author by the Editorial Team only at the request of the Reviewer and only after the final decision regarding the publication of the submitted materials.
The review should be objective and impartial and must not contain personal attacks against the Author. All comments and suggestions for improving the work should be made in polite form, and all criticism should be justified. Reviewers are encouraged to recommend additional publications relating to the submitted work for which there are no references. The Reviewer should also draw the attention of the Editorial Team to any evidence of plagiarism.
5. Duties of the Editorial Team Members
Managing/Academic Editors provide for all stages of the editorial and publishing process:
• preliminary consideration of the Authors’ submissions;
• selecting the Reviewers in accordance with their research interests;
• maintaining confidentiality during the double-blind review process;
• deciding on acceptance, rejection, or submission to additional peer review, depending on the Reviewers’ reports;
• notifying members of the Editorial Board of the current issue data;
• sending the materials accepted for publication to the Copy Editor, Language Editor, and Proofreader;
• sending the edited materials to the Layout Editor and facilitating the Authors’ proofreading of the galleys;
• control proofreading (reconciliation) of the issue before its publication online and in hard copy.
The Editor-in-Chief coordinates all the work of the Editorial Team and makes decisions on key issues; he or she also releases issues for printing and gives permission for publication on the website. Also, as a member of the Editorial Team and the Editorial Board, the Editor-in-Chief fully guarantees strict compliance with all ethical standards set forth herein.
All Editors must be careful not to abuse their official position and they are to maintain their impartiality and objectivity toward all participants in the editorial and publishing process regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, religious belief, ethnic origin, nationality, or political opinion. The materials submitted by the Editors for publication in the journal Slověne = Словѣне are considered solely on their scholarly merit and with the observance of the principle of double-blind peer review.
There must be no conflict of interest between the Editors and the Authors of the materials accepted or rejected for publication. In case such conflict occurs, the Authors’ materials are to be sent to another Editor.
The Editorial Team ensures the high academic quality of the materials published in the journal Slověne = Словѣне and, if necessary, is obliged to publish corrections, clarifications, and apologies.
6. Editorial Board
The international Editorial Board of the journal Slověne = Словѣне is the supreme governing and controlling body of the periodical. The Editorial Board members, by means of collective decision, have the right to suspend or reject the publication of materials that have gone through double-blind peer review. Papers written by members of the Editorial Board that are submitted for publication in the journal Slověne = Словѣне are considered on their own merit, without regard for their Author’s position on the Board.
Due to its academic authority, geographical coverage, and the principle of collegiality, the international Editorial Board of the journal Slověne = Словѣне guarantees that the published content meets international standards of scholarly and editorial ethics. All conflicts arising between the participants of the editorial and publishing process are to be resolved through the direct involvement of the Editorial Board.
Our Languages
The journal Slověne = Словѣне accepts papers in all the Slavic languages as well as in English, German, French, and Italian. If the paper is written in a non-native language, the Authors are advised to consult a qualified native-speaking editor in order to avoid possible misunderstanding.
Currently only two languages on this site—Russian and English—are the primary languages, i.e., all information presented here is available in full in these languages. Other languages (German, French, Italian, and most of the Slavic languages: Croatian, Czech, Macedonian, Polish, Serbian, and Ukrainian) are auxiliary, i.e., the entire interface of the site and the standard forms for registration and submitting articles are translated into those languages. Those are the languages which are supported today by the project Open Journal Systems, although not all of these languages are supported in full.
Authors can submit their papers in the rest of the Slavic languages (Belorussian, Bulgarian, Slovenian, and Slovak), however the interface of the site and the standard forms are in Russian by default or in other primary or auxiliary languages selected by the user.
All metadata of the papers are reflected on the website in Russian, English, and in any other language of the journal (if the published work is written in this language).
The Editorial Team of Slověne = Словѣне invites participation by volunteers (translators and programmers) who are interested in the further development of the sections of this website written in the auxiliary languages and in the Slavic languages not yet supported by the project Open Journal Systems. For all questions related to the languages of our website (including the necessity of expanding the list of Slavic languages in the Submission Form), please contact us at: slovene.journal@gmail.com