We would like to announce officially that the Institute for Slavic Studies (ISS) and Moscow State University of Education (MSPU) have concluded a contract between themselves and with the Editorial Team, stating that MSPU has become a new Publisher of the international academic journal Slověne = Словѣне. Editor-in-Chief of the journal Prof. Fjodor Uspenskij and Rector of MSPU Acad. Alexey Semenov
MSPU finances the journal but does not play any role in the internal affairs of the Editorial Team, which assures its readers, authors, reviewers, staff, and members of the Editorial Board that there will be no change in the principles of the journal now or in the future. With the organizational and financial support of MSPU, our journal will continue to develop. Fjodor Uspenskij and Vice-rector of the University, Director of the Philology Institute of MSPU Prof. Lyudmila Trubina in the atrium of the Main Building
Simultaneously with this, the Editorial Board will be expanded by a member representing MSPU, Doctor of philology Professor Alexey D. Shmelev, a professor in the Russian Language Department of the Philology Institute at MSPU. He is also the head of the Department of Russian Speech Culture at the Vinogradov Russian Language Institute, a member of the Editorial Board of the academic journal Russian Language and Linguistic Theory, and a professor in the Department of the Theory and History of Language at St. Tikhon’s Orthodox University for the Humanities, Moscow. The Editorial Team, Moscow |