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The Provisional Government’s Bill regarding the “Legalization” of Russia’s Third Orthodox Church—Old Orthodox Belokrinitskaya Hierarchy

Mikhail A. Babkin


The legislative acts of the Provisional Government regulating the functioning of religious organizations has not been sufficiently studied. The bills, which were created in the various ministries of the Provisional Government and failed to become law, are virtually unexplored. On the wave of political events in Russia in February and March 1917, the nondenominational Provisional Government came to power. There arose the need for a comprehensive reform of public administration in Russia and, in particular, church-state relations. In the bowels of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Provisional Government, there was created a structure that developed the draft laws on the status of various denominations: 1) the group on general religious issues; 2) the commission for the revision of the statutory provisions about the Roman Catholic Church in Russia; and 3) the group on issues relating to the Old Believers. This publication focuses on the activities of this final group. The main outcome of this group, working in close alliance with representatives of the Old Believers, was the creation of the draft law on the “legalization” of the third Orthodox Church in Russia (after the Russian and Georgian Orthodox Churches), that is, the Old Orthodox Belokrinitskaya Hierarchy, which, in 1988, became known as the Russian Orthodox Old Belief Church. The resulting bill, dated 18 October 1917, was submitted to the Provisional Government for approval. However, it was not approved because of the overthrow of the Provisional Government on 25 October of that same year. The present article introduces this 1917 bill to “legalize” the Russian Old Orthodox Belokrinitskaya Hierarchy into scholarly awareness.


Orthodox Churches of Russia; the Old Believers; the Revolution of 1917; confessional policy of the Provisional Government; laws and bills


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