Slavonic Quotations from Athanasius’ Orations against the Arians in Joseph Volotsky and Metropolitan Daniil
This article identifies a set of Slavonic passages from Athanasius’ Orations against the Arians quoted by Joseph Volotsky and Metropolitan Daniil in opposition to the heresy of Judaizers. These writers are two of the three men (the third one being Zinoviy Otenskiy who is examined in a separate study) that cited Athanasius’ work as originally written in Greek and translated to Slavonic in 907 (today preserved in ten manuscripts of Russian origin). This study is aimed at exploring the significance of this fact, and it also provides a transcription and analysis of all the quotations by comparing them with the text of the Orations in all known manuscripts
DOI: 10.31168/2305-6754.2021.10.2.4
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