Newly Found Greek Sources of Slavic Translated Stichera
This article features previously unpublished Greek originals to the Slavic translated stichera in the manuscripts оf Menaion Sticherarion of the XII century. These texts were found during the study of the manuscripts of Sinai, Athos, Messina, Patmos, the Grottaferrata monastery, as well as of the codices from the libraries of Vatican, Paris, Moscow and St. Petersburg. This article contains 31 stichera on the Nativity of Mary (08.09), Nativity of Christ (25.12), Week after Christmas, on the Epiphany (05, 06.01), the Dormition of the Virgin (15.08), to Saints Dionysius the Areopagite (03.10), to Joannicius the Great (04.11), ap. Matthew (16.11), Eustratius, Auxentius, Eugene, Mardarius and Orestes (13.12), Elias, Probus and Ares (19.12), Anastasia the Pharmakolytria (22.12), ap. Timon (30.12), prop. Jeremiah (01.05), Athanasius the Great (02.05), Leontius (18.06), John the Baptist (24.06, 29.08), Pantaleon (27.07), Machabees (01.08), Florus and Laurus (18.08), Adrian and Natalia (26.08) in Slavic and in Greek, with brief comments.
DOI: 10.31168/2305-6754.2019.8.1.14
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