Marginalia of the Fedorovsky Parimeinik From the 13th Century: Extralinguistic and Linguistic Data
The research note discusses some marginalia in a 13th-century parimeinik from the collections of the Russian State Archive of Ancient Acts (Tip. no. 60), which have not yet received a detailed description. The author proposes certain amendments to previous publications of the marginalia, partially reconstructs their lost fragments, interprets some extralinguistic information that gives an idea of the name and occupations of the scribe, and linguistic data in the field of phonetics, grammar, and vocabulary in their connection with the corresponding phenomena of the main text of the parimeinik. The author concludes that the marginalia reflect some phonetic innovations present in the main text; their grammatical innovations, on the other hand, are not supported by the main text, the stability of which is due to the genre. At the lexical level, some units make it possible to supply Russian historical lexicography either with an earlier dating for the first fixation of a lexeme in written sources or with a new contextual combination.
DOI: 10.31168/2305-6754.2022.11.1.13
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